domenica 11 agosto 2024

Some useful expressions for essay writing

 When it comes to ....+ noun e.g. cultural diplomacy + sentence e.g. we need to understand what is meant by soft power'.

Some would say that …. + sentence e.g. a military intervention should be avoided at all costs.

By doing this …. + sentence e.g. Italy's partners are failing to show the solidarity on which the European Union is based.

As a direct result of ….+ noun or gerund or phrase e.g. the economic crisis, + sentence e.g. many countries saw their public debt rise steeply.

Undoubtedly, …... + sentence e.g. this challenge requires a swift, collective and coordinated response.

In (the) light of this, or In the light of + noun e.g. this situation, these tensions etc. + sentence e.g. the need for negotiation has become urgent

In short, ...+ sentence e.g. despite the signs of economic recovery there are no grounds for complacency.

Let us now focus on …. + noun or gerund or phrase e.g. the economic challenge

There are no simple answers.

Here are some of the main questions that are raised by these events: + some direct questions

What is clear is (the fact) that …  + sentence e.g. there is no going back

What is less clear is whether …+ question e.g./ why this is happening. /what the UN should do. etc..

For a long time it has been fashionable to argue that … + sentence e.g. the social media strengthen democracy. However, ….

Conventional wisdom says that ../ tells us that …+ sentence e.g. all states need allies.

It must be stressed that... + sentence e.g. this offers only a temporary solution

Another factor/ question/ issue etc. to be considered is / to be taken into consideration is ... + sentence

If, and this is a big if, ….  + sentence, then …. + sentence

Given the current climate, …./ Given the current climate of + noun e.g. debate, fear, distrust, optimism etc.

In the wake of … + noun e.g. recent events, these terrorist attacks

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