venerdì 27 settembre 2019

A possible essay plan on Italy's role within the international community

Don't let your essay become a list of disconnected points! You need a line of argument that shapes and structures your essay. You could start that part with This essay will argue that ...
A recent event or statement illustrating Italy's approach to foreign affairs. A theoretical basis for Italian foreign policy based on the Italian Constitution, article 11.
The idea of three phases of Italian foreign policy since WWII, rehabilitation and reintegration into world community, a loyal member of the Western Alliance during the Cold War but always open to dialogue and an active member and supporter of a more independent EU since the end of the Cold War. The idea of Italy's three circles, or spheres of international relations, the Atlantic, European and Mediterranean spheres or spaces.
Line of argument: This essay will argue that Italy is committed to an active role at all levels within the international community in order to avoid war, resolve conflicts by negotiation, enhance national and global prosperity help manage the global economy and deal with challenges like global warming that can only be met through cooperation and the use of  'soft power'. The rest of this essay will outline some of Italy's activities and commitments aimed at achieving these goals.
Italy as a bridgehead for Europe to the Arab world and beyond that to Africa. Italy and Libya, the migrant crisis. Italy's interests in Egypt and North Africa, support for Middle East dialogue and dialogue with Arab world.
The EU, Italy's position on the economic crisis and cooperation, participation in the Euro (calls for a loosening of the austerity rules), Schengen and calls for solidarity in dealing with the migrant crisis. Participation in EU foreign operations and support for the European Defence Action Plan. The prominent roles of Federica Mogherini, outgoing High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in EU, Mario Draghi, outgoing President of the European Central Bank and now for David Sassoli, incoming President of the European Parliament and Paolo Gentiloni, incoming European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs.
Membership of and participation in NATO operations. Bases in Italy and Italian commanders in NATO. Italy's relationship with the US.
Italy at the world level
The UN/ push for UN reform/push for moratorium on the death penalty/ role in 2017 on UN Security Council
Types of diplomacy and examples
the alternatives to hard power (NATO/EU/bilateral) is soft power/cultural diplomacy/use of cultural heritage in cultural diplomacy/economic diplomacy

Conclusion – refer to another important current Italian initiative or statement not yet mentioned and explain why you think it is typical of Italian foreign policy (e.g. ?). You could raise the question of whether, given the rise of the Lega, future Italian governments will continue or break with Italy's traditional multilateral, pro-European approach?!?

Give real examples – specific policies, missions, events etc... taken, for example, from the site of the Ministero degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale ( throughout the essay.

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