sabato 23 gennaio 2021

Gobalization some questions

 What are the main characteristics, benefits and drawbacks of globalization and the current trends global economic relations?

1)      Can you define globalization? In its original, narrower sense? And in its wider sense?

2)      What were the drivers of globalization in the 1990s?


3)      What is the main economic benefit of globalization?


4)      What other benefit regarding international relations is often claimed by supporters of globalization?


5)      What are some of the other advantages sometimes cited?


6)      Which countries are least likely to benefit from the globalization process?

7)      What is the main criticism of globalization often heard in some developed economies like those of Western Europe?


8)      And the criticisms from environmentalists?


9)      Make a list of other possible drawbacks.


10)  Can you think of practical examples (e.g. things, countries, phenomena, events etc…) to illustrate your points in questions 1- 9?


11)  What policies did President Trump pursue on trade, why and with what effects?


12)  What effects has the Covid-19 pandemic had on the global economy and national economies?


13)  What kind of conclusion do you want to come to in an essay on this topic? Remember you need to be informed, up-to-date and balanced


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