sabato 9 settembre 2017

The European Union website

For general information go to:
Then click on the language box, e.g. 'italiano' to go to the opening page. Then choose a topic to read about and click on it. You can click on the language box at the top on the right to change the language (if the text has been translated). So now you can try to translate a paragraph from Italian to English and check it. Make notes on any vocabulary, spelling or grammar mistakes that you make. The more you do, the better.
e.g. Frontex

of course you can also look at the text French, German or Spanish

For specific EU documents go to:
Then choose the language, e.g. 'italiano'. Now choose a subject - e.g. 'immigrazione' and type it into 'ricerca nel sito' and click on the arrow. Then choose a document from the list,noting down its title and reference number before clicking on it (the title may sometimes be in English though the document will open in Italian.) For many documents (those published on paper) the translation box will still appear in the top right corner, so you can translate the document and check your translation immediately. For other documents there will be no translation box and you will have to return to the opening page of
and choose 'English', type in the key word, e.g. 'immigration', or the exact title, and find the same document in English. So it may be easier to download, copy or print each version before you start translating rather than try to jump backwards and forwards from one to the other.


If you want to do lots of translation (!), go to the 2016 EU General Report in Italian and English on:

and then click on the language and pdf symbols:

Start from the Italian version, translate and then go to the English version to check. Or if you prefer, simply read the English version and take notes on useful language.

If you want the 2015 EU General Report in Italian go to:

in English:

and the huge 2014 EU General Report in Italian and English:

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