venerdì 8 maggio 2020

A possible essay plan on the role of culture in diplomacy

Introduction: Refer to a recent event (or events) at the cultural level that clearly impacts diplomatic relations (taken from recent international news or, for example, from the site of the Ministero degli affari esteri e della cooperazione internazionale (
Line of argument: This essay will argue that there are several different ways that culture can affect or be part of foreign policy. Say that you will briefly summarize these and then focus on ###### since you think this is the most important idea.

Briefly explain and give examples of different ways that culture can affect or be part of foreign policy:
a) cultural differences and how these could create misunderstanding or lead to one side feeling offended or badly treated in negotiations. Give examples. So diplomats need to be aware of and respect and to conform as far as possible to the norms of the host country. This is true not just at work but during their free time too as representatives of Italian culture.
b) Businessmen, tourists, sportsmen and fans are all now considered cultural representatives who can enhance or damage the image of the country.
c) Samuel Huntington's argument that international relations depend on the division of the world into cultural areas and countries should be wary of interference in other cultural areas where their actions and intentions may be misunderstood and worsen relations. For example, exporting democracy.
d) International conventions to protect minority cultures and cultural heritage and Italy's role in this.
e) Multiculturalism – We should recognize multiculturalism as a growing reality of modern European life, and the need for multiculturalism as a positive and necessary force to bridge ethnic, religious and national divisions and tensions within society and between states. The EU as the biggest experiment in this. Its successes and failures, current tensions. The idea of a shared European culture of values.
f) Cultural diplomacy as soft power and the role of the diplomat, particularly the cultural attaché, in promoting his country's culture through the organization of and in providing information about exhibitions and cultural events.

I would focus on the latter (f) and give lots of examples of what Italy is doing at different cultural institutes around the world and how this affects the image foreigners have of Italy. I would argue that the goal is winning 'hearts and minds' of the public abroad rather than foreign governments. So people to people rather than government to government. This will also help to boost tourism and the demand for Italian products.

Conclusion: Culture plays a fundamental role in diplomatic activity in various ways and the more international relations are based on involving people rather than simply governments the greater its role will become in terms of soft power to promote good relations and good will or, if misunderstood or ignored, to damage relations.

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