venerdì 17 marzo 2023

Some essay titles with no obvious content

1)    Describe a person who you think made or has made an important contribution to international relations or someone who you would consider a model of what a diplomat should be or international statesperson should be.


2)    What makes a good diplomat in terms of attitude, qualities and skills?


3)    Il valore dello scambio di personalità a livello internazionale nell’era della comunicazione digitale.


4)    Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, was French Foreign Minister and is widely considered one of history’s major diplomats. Why? Talking to the younger members of his staff, he once said ‘Surtout pas trop de zèle.’ (Above all, don’t be too zealous). What did he mean?


5)    Compare the Italian and US/UK press and media.


6)    Geografia e politica estera. Gli interessi strategici di uno Stato sono determinati dal territorio?


7)    Il 18 luglio cade l’anniversario della morte di Nelson Mandela. la ricorrenza offre l’occasione per trarre un bilancio sulla sua figura storica e il significato della sua eredità.


8)    Inspiring and pioneering women in today’s world: how to break the glass ceiling.


9)    In ‘Culture Matters’ former President of Costa Rica and human rights campaigner, Óscar Arias (Óscar Rafael de Jesús Arias Sánchez), argued that culture in South America has become a trap, too much respect for the past becoming a fear of change, often of necessary change. How true is this of culture in general?

10)  L’eredità di Angela Merkel: Germania ed Europa negli anni 20 del XXI secolo.

11)  È auspicabile il controllo democratico sulla politica estera?

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