The notes on
various topics that you will find on this website are based on my reading and
summarizing of points made by a series of authors and sources. They are not my
personal opinion unless a personal opinion is an attempt to summarize the
points made by various sources. They are simply intended as background to
help you form your own ideas as you do your own reading and research. However,
they are only in note form and you need to qualify these kinds of comments
and statements with the following kind of introductory phraseology in order to
maintain a neutral tone and diplomatic style:
Some experts argue that….. / many experts suggest that …. /it is often argued
that…. /it has been suggested that…../some political commentators argue that….
/ many political commentators claim that…. / According
to ..... / it is sometimes
claimed that.… /some academics make the case that …… /it is often pointed out
that..../ most experts agree that….. / most commentators seem to agree that…
/there seems to be general agreement that…. / there seems little doubt that… /
it is unclear whether… /generally speaking it seems that…. / one could argue
that…./ on the whole…../ apparently…. /other experts have raised questions
regarding…/ in social terms…/ in economic terms…/ in political terms… /
theoretically… /in theory… / in practice…. / it has been alleged that…../
You might want to use this kind of language when introducing a new opinion or
interpretation of events, but you should not exaggerate. Don't put these
expressions in front of every sentence, and don't use them inappropriately,
that is to say, in front of factual information. As you read you should collect
other common expressions like those above.
You can also use structures based on inversion like this:
What is needed is a new strategy…
What is needed is for the government to work out a new strategy…
What the government needs to do is…
e sopratutto, in quello che scrivi al concorso, cerca di essere:
informed, up-to-date, balanced and familiar with Italy's (and the EU's) position on any particular question
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