domenica 11 agosto 2024

Some more notes on makng a speech/giving a presentation

1)    Depending on the level of formality, start by referring to those present by their titles.

e.g. Mr/Madam Ambassador, Your Excellency/ies, Mr/Madam Secretary-General, Mr/Madam President/ Mr/Madam Chairman/Chairwoman/Chairperson, Minister Tajani, Mr Prime Minister, esteemed/distinguished colleagues, members of the Diplomatic Corps, (dear colleagues if you know them well), Ladies and Gentlemen (the general public in the audience) 

2)    Say ‘Good morning/afternoon/evening and if you have been invited there to speak, thank the institute organizing the event (is it the same one hosting the event?) or if the Ministry or Embassy is organizing the event welcome the audience on their behalf if no-one has spoken before you.

3)    Try to find an icebreaker to establish a rapport with your audience unless the event is extremely formal. 

4)    Think about your audience. Tailor your treatment of the topic to them. What do they know already about the topic? What don’t they know? What do you need to tell them? (Why have you been sent or invited there?) What is your main point, your message? What do they want to know? What is important to them? 

5)    Explain very briefly how you will deal with the topic, the way your presentation will be structured. Is it a classic speech or a PowerPoint presentation? Did you bring any material that they can pick up at the end? 

6)    Tell them how you will deal with questions. e.g. If anyone has any questions, can I ask you to save them to the end of my presentation as we will have time for a Q and A session then?   Or   If anyone has a question, pleasedon’t hesitate/ feel free to interrupt me at any point.

7)    Can you make a reference to someone who spoke before you (or who is going to speak after you) to show respect and integrate your talk into the proceedings?

8)    Have you brought anyone with you as an expert who will be available (as you will be) for more detailed questions during the (coffee/lunch)-break or at the end of the presentation/day?

9)    At the end of your presentation, you could summarize what you have said, underlining your main point. Then thank the host again and invite questions if this is appropriate and what you planned.

10) Tell them that you hope they will enjoy the rest of the the event /conference /morning /afternoon. Perhaps offer them the chance to talk to you further or to contact you again.

Make sure your speech is interesting and informative and keeps your audience’s attention!

The main body of the speech should contain your main points, useful (relevant) data,examples and/or the names and outline of initiatives and programs launched by the MAECI, by the government through other ministries, the EU, NATO or the UN or other practical information as appropriate.

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